Sunday, 4 September 2016

Aubergine Stack with mixed herbs and a trio of cheeses

I love Aubergines and think they are very much under-used in English kitchens. It is a staple in many other countries and I have been craving them lately, hence this little recipe. The preparation is the longest part, once all is assembled you'll be done in 20 minutes.

Ingredients make 2 portions:
1½ Aubergines
200gr feta cheese
125gr fresh Mozzarella
20gr grated parmesan
Olive oil to fry
3 tbs Mixed herbs
3 garlic cloves
Salt and Pepper to taste

Start with cutting the Aubergines into about 1 cm thick rounds. Then lay out on a baking tray and sprinkle with salt. Let it rest for 20 minutes. Then dab off the water with a kitchen roll to get rid of the bitter juices. Turn around and repeat the same process, this time you only have to wait 10 minutes. It is just to be sure we get rid of as much moisture as possible. It will also minimise the mess around the hob when frying.

It is difficult to gage how much oil you need as Aubergines are notorious for soaking up oil. I poor some into a bowl, add mixed herbs, Salt and pepper. Heat up a pan on high; put each slice through the oil before you put it in the pan then fry. Turn frequently as they are easy to burn the thinner they are cut.
When they are browned on each side, put them on antoher tray lines with kitchen foil to soak up the excess fat. This is what tales the longest and I cook with all windows open as the oil will start smoking.

To assemble the stack I use 2 rings. I think they are egg rings or so but I have multiple uses for them. I take some backing paper and line the inside as well as a layer for the bottom. That way you can stack higher and it will be easier to get it all out again once it is ready.

Pre-heat the oven on 200 C.

Crumble the feta into a bowl, chop the mozzarella in small bits, add the mixed herbs and mix it all up. Now layer the aubergines and cheese until you have no more Aubergines. The last layer should be an Aubergine. Divide the grated parmesan between your stacks and its ready to go into the oven.

Leave in the oven for about 15 minutes so all cheese melts. When you take it out let is rest for about 5 minutes. There might be some oil escaping at the bottom, from the cheese, this is good as otherwise it be all too greasy.

The recipe will make main meal portions and so I only served it with a small tomato salad. 


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